August 2008

August 2008

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The following changes were made during the month:

Click to expand/collapse Make Selecting Responder Company More User Friendly (08/26)

Issue: During the Add Demand process, upon clicking the Select button to choose a Responder company, the user is taken to a page where they must click the Search button to initiate a search that returns all companies (including all subsidiaries) that are active in E-Subro Hub. Members complained that they do not want to see subsidiaries.


Resolution: We have made the Responder Company select process easier by:

1. Upon opening the page, a search will ALREADY have been completed.

2. Subsidiaries are not included in the initial results list.

3. Pressing the Enter key will initiate a search.

Click to expand/collapse Add an Evidence Indicator on Evidence Tab (08/26)

Issue: To determine if Evidence was present on a demand, a user had to click the Evidence tab to open it so they could view the evidence list. Users suggested an indicator could be placed on the Evidence tab to show if any evidence was present on the demand.


Resolution: An Evidence Indicator has been added to the Evidence tab. It will appear as "Evidence (7)", where the number in parenthesis indicates that seven evidence items appear on the demand for this user to view.

Click to expand/collapse Refine the Assign Demand to User Process (08/26)

Issue: When attempting to assign a demand, the most commonly used search field is Last Name. Users suggested that this should be the default (first) field on the Assign page. Also, the Company ID field confused users (they didn’t know what it meant), and it was the default (first) field shown on the Assign page. Also, the list returned from the search was only showing one or possibly two rows at the bottom of the page, because too little space remained.



1. The Last Name field is now the first search field, and is the default field.

2. Pressing the Enter key will initiate a search.

3. A single confirmation question will be presented in a popup format.

Click to expand/collapse Remove Automatic Ownership Reassignment (08/26)

Issue: When a responder who was not the owner of the demand took an action on someone else’s demand (i.e. a vacation situation), ownership of the demand was AUTOMATICALLY transferred to them. This was confusing and caused extra work for users who wanted to help out their colleagues but did not want to be the owner of the demand.


Resolution: Automatic ownership change no longer occurs, so responders who are not the owner of the demand will be able to assist their colleagues without automatically taking ownership of the demand.

Click to expand/collapse Activity Log: Show Who Ownership was Reassigned To (08/26)

Issue: The Activity Log showed the text "Ownership Reassigned", but didn't indicate "WHO" the demand was reassigned to.


Resolution: We have added the "WHO". In reassignment situations, the activity log will state "Ownership reassigned to Jane Doe".

Click to expand/collapse Add E-Subro Hub Configuration Tab to Admin Page (08/26)

Change: An E-Subro Hub Configuration tab has been added for use by Member Company Administrators. This tab will include any general configuration items that can be applied to enhance a specific member companies experience within E-Subro Hub.

Click to expand/collapse Add Configuration Option to Disable ‘Tasks’ (08/26)

Issue: Some Member companies suggested that they were not interested in using the ESubro Hub Task functionality. They wanted the ability to remove references to Tasks so their users would not be tempted to use them.


Resolution: A configuration item has been added at the company level allowing Task options to be turned on or off. If turned off, users will no longer see the menu items to Assign Tasks and they will no longer have the option to view the My Tasks list.

Click to expand/collapse Add Configuration Option for Activation of Two Step Demand Assignment (08/26)

Issue: A two step ownership assignment process (Assignment -> Take Ownership) was the default and ONLY behavior for assigning a demand to a new user. This process forced the assigner to retain ownership of the demand until the assignee took ownership. Members using E-Subro Hub complained that this process was problematic and that they preferred a single step process. (Note: Assignment of a demand to a Business Unit has always been and will continue to be a single step process).


Resolution: A configuration item has been added (Activate Two Step Demand Assignment Process) at the company level to allow our members to choose whether to use a one step (immediate transfer of ownership) or two step (Assignment -> Take Ownership) process for demand ownership transfer. The default action will be a one step process.

Click to expand/collapse Include Payment Sent Option within Responder Accept Action (08/26)

Issue: Response side users who wanted to accept a demand and then state they've sent the payment (in order to remove the demand from their Work List) were forced to complete two separate actions (Accept then Payment Sent).


Resolution: A Payment Sent checkbox is now included in the Responder's Accept action, allowing them to complete both functions within a single action. By checking the Payment Sent checkbox when appropriate, response side users will allow the demand to be removed from their Work List immediately, without having to perform another step.

Click to expand/collapse Acceptance Message No Longer Mandatory (08/26)

Issue: The message field in an Accept action (for the Demander or Responder) was mandatory. However, our members using E-Subro Hub suggested that they usually have nothing to add in that field, and thus are forced to type a mandatory message when nothing is left to be said.


Resolution: We've made this field optional. Members will be allowed to complete the Accept action without typing anything in that message field, if they so choose.

Click to expand/collapse Within Demand Search – Make Clickable Link to Demand Always Available (08/26)

Issue: When a responder attempted to search for a demand that had no responder claim number (via Demand Search or Case Lookup), they would be able to find the demand using Insured Info or Demand ID, but upon finding it, they had no way to open the demand (since no claim number existed to show the link).


Resolution: We've fixed this so it works in the same manner as the demand lists, where a response side demand with no claim number can be accessed via a <Not Entered> link on the Search page.