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The Accept action is used to tell the other party that you will accept their most recent offer.

Click to expand/collapse Accepting an Offer

1.To initiate the Accept action, click Accept in the action button menu OR open the demand and click Negotiate > Accept.
Note: the Accept menu item will only be available from the demand side once the other party has made a counter offer.
2.To complete the Accept action, click the Accept button.  The Negotiation Message is not a required field but a note can be added if appropriate.
3.Upon completion, E-Subro Hub will tell you that the Accept action was completed.

 Note: In the current system configuration, clicking "Accept" confirms you are accepting Liability AND Damages at the current negotiation and this action will be a matter of record in the demand activity log.  Should arbitration be filed to recover an additional balance, record of having accepted an offer can be submitted as evidence.


See Also: