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The supplement action allows you to enter supplemental damages into the current demand.

Click to expand/collapse Entering Supplemental Damages

To enter Supplemental Damages, click Supplement from the action button menu OR choose Manage Demand > Supplement from the secondary menu.

You will be prompted to indicate whether the current demand has been resolved. Use the explanations contained within the application to help you make the appropriate choice.

Supplemental damages are entered in the same manner as Original Damages.

Note: When adding a Supplement, enter ONLY the supplemental values.  The system will add your supplemental values to the previous demand amount to calculate the new Total Demand Amount.

Click to expand/collapse The Supplemental Damages Pane

Supplemental Damages Pane Field Definitions:

Auto Damages (Company Paid): The dollar amount paid by the demanding company to resolve collision or comprehensive coverage.
Rental: The dollar amount for rental and/or loss of use expense that the Demander company paid, not to include the insured's out of pocket, associated with the demand.
Towing: The dollar amount for towing or similar expense associated with the demand.
Other Amount: The dollar amount for other expenses associated with the demand that the Demander company paid, not to include the insured's out of pocket.
Deductible (Customer Paid): The dollar amount that represents the collision or comprehensive deductible associated with the demand.
Total Loss / Salvage Amt: The salvage amount represents the amount recovered or lost in salvage.  This field is only filled if the Total Loss checkbox was checked.  Normally, the Salvage Amt value is deducted from the total damages value (thus it is written in red).

Note: When adding a Supplement, enter ONLY the supplemental values.  The system will add your supplemental values to the previous demand amount to calculate the new Total Demand Amount.

Click to expand/collapse The Negotiated Liability Pane

The Responder Liability % is the percentage of liability for this incident that is being assigned to the Responder.

When this value resides in a Demander negotiation action step, it represents the liability % that the Demander thinks the Responder should accept.  When this value resides in a Responder negotiation action step, it represents the liability % that the Responder is willing to accept.

The Responder Liability % is used to calculate the total demand or total response.  The equation looks like this:

Negotiated Liability  x  Negotiated Damages  =  Total Demand

Click to expand/collapse Negotiation Message Pane

The negotiation message pane shows the message entered by the user that took the action.  It should convey the reasoning behind the action being taken. Since the negotiation message is a required field, there should always be a negotiation message for each action.

See Also: